College Football Meme Madness, National Championship: Vote for the sport’s best viral images of all time

The championship matchup of Meme Madness has arrived, as the top viral images have emerged from the Fans Region and Players & Coaches Region to represent their sides in the ultimate Meme Madness battle. 

After tight voting dominated the Elite Eight, the Final Four was filled with decisive victories. Both higher-seeded victors emerged with more than 60% of the vote in their respective polls. After a handful of major upsets along the way, it will be a No. 1 seed and a No. 2 seed vying for the title. 

Every year, dozens of images quickly become cultural touchstones in the sport by going viral on social media and in countless group chats. However, there are a select few that survive longer and permanently enter the college football universe.

Now, we want you to help pick the best. 

In order to narrow it down, our staff curated 16 memorable memes from the Twitter era and separated them into two regions: Fans, and Coaches & Players. The bracket includes everything from Heisman Trophy winners and disgruntled fans to unforgettable coaching reactions. But more than anything, it includes the moments that makes college football so unique.

See the updated bracket and vote in the Championship round of Meme Madness below. 

Meme Madness bracket

Mike Meredith

Voting for every round round is being held via tweets from our Cover 3 Podcast account as embedded below. After three rounds of intense voting, the champions from the Fan Region and Players & Coaches Region going head to head are … 

Mike Meredith

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